Monday, March 7, 2016

Heirs Reviews and opinions!


When love is tested again and again, only the strongest love will prevail!
Heirs is a Kdrama that really puts young love to the test as two young teens fight for their right to be together.

Cha Eun-Sang is the daughter of a mute house maid, and struggles to make ends meet as she dreams of a normal, teenage lifestyle. Then her world gets turned upside down when her elder sister tells her to send money so she can get married to her boyfriend in America. Eun-Sang decides to run away and live with her sister, but her hopes are shattered and she finds herself stuck in America. Her bad luck turns around when handsome and wealthy Kim Tan, who witnessed the sad turn of events, decides to lend a hand to Eun-Sang and finds himself infatuated with her passion, dedication, and child like charm.
The two spend a few crazy days together, with all sorts of trouble following, but when Eun-Sang returns to Korea, Kim Tan finds that he's been away from home long enough.
 (surprise surprise!)
However as an heir to his father's thrown there comes specific obligations, and plenty of family drama. (You know what they say...More money, more problems!) And Kim Tan finds it hard to readjust to his past life as he tries to find Eun-Sang and further their relationship.
BUT OF COURSE! Life is not well in paradise as Eun-Sang is thrown into the life of the rich Heirs/Heiresses, and finds that when it comes to the rich and the poor, there are lines that shouldn't be crossed. With a school of bullies, love triangles and plenty of high school drama on top of estranged family and big expectations, Kim Tan and Cha Eun-Sang must decide whether to fight for one another or to bend to the will of the opposing forces.

This Drama was up and down and all around with plenty of story lines to keep you entertained, but not too distracting from the main plot! It has all the perfect pieces to make for a pretty amazing show...and as far as high school dramas go, this one was great! It had plenty of different sides to experience, from high school, to business problems, wealth, poverty, and a whole lot more.
What I really REALLY loved in this drama was the comedic run ins, and the witty banter that most characters provided! It had some of my favorite one liners ever!! I also loved the value it placed on the importance of family, friendship, and loyalty; and as another huge plus, the rich male lead isn't a complete jerk but a total sweetheart! Kim Tan gave me warm fuzzies the entire drama, whether he was talking to an enemy, parent, friend, or his first love. This story was also well put together, with great and slightly more original characters, and only a few slightly annoying scenes that were either left hanging, or jumped back in so suddenly I was left a little confused for a while. However the character development was pretty great with a few of the characters, (Most of the leads were about the same at the end) And the ending tied everything together so sweetly, you are left satisfied!

Now for the KISSING CORNER! Who's excited? Well, hopefully all of you are, because the scenes in this drama will make you squee and awwww all day long as you watch the heartbreaking struggle and the passion these two characters possess in their love scenes. As most Kdramas go, it usually takes a while to build up to that fateful first kiss, and let me tell you for a high school drama there is plenty of great kisses going on! You do get a little bit of the dead fish face kissing,
Image result for fish face (...I LIKE YOU...)

but it's pretty scarce...and the other kiss scenes are so adorable it will make you love sick! Probably one of the most tender romances in a high school setting. At least that I've seen this far kekeke.

Anyways, if you are in it for the smoochies, then you will not be disappointed! It was an extremely sweet budding romance, with a few great passionate kisses mixed in with hand holds, hugs, and plenty more heart stopping displays of affection to make some pretty delicious love candy.

Now don't get me wrong, this isn't all about the romance! There are so many struggles to being a successor to your father's or mother's company, and the stresses on a young mind can really leave you with a huge mess of problems! You get to see fist fights, power struggles, family feuds, and dirty secrets both covered up and revealed in a well paced time frame!

So, where does this Drama fall? LET'S FIND OUT!
bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb TSH!

On the Aish-Drama's scale of Dramatasitc shows, Heirs wins a....................

7.5 on a scale 1-10

Fun, heartbreaking, and Dramatic, this show is a must see!
So if you are looking for something full of young ambition, love, and rivalries, I highly suggest you add this Drama to your list!

Do you agree with my rating? What's your favorite funny one liner from a Kdrama?
Let me know in the comments, and as always, THANKS FOR BEING A PART!

Friday, March 4, 2016

My Love From Another Star Review and opinions!

My Love From Another Star

Are you a big E.T. fan? Wish you could talk to someone from another planet? Ever wonder what Aliens would do with their free time if they came to earth?

Well if you would like to get the real Romantic Kdrama Alien experience then you need to watch My Love From Another Star!

This Drama has a refreshing twist to it as you watch (Extremely handsome) alien Do Min Joon record his dealings on earth for the last 400 years, landing on earth during the Joseon Dynasty period he saves the life of a young girl and as a consequence, is left on earth until his people can return for him. Do Min Joon adapted quickly to life on earth and after many experiences, friendships, hardships, and heartbreak Do Min Joon finally has an opportunity to return home; With only three months remaining on earth and all of his affairs in order, Do Min Joon is faced with something he never thought he could ever reclaim....a chance for love! (In an unlikely place)
His new neighbor, Cheon Song-Yi  is a high profile Prima-Donna actress, who is his polar opposite in every aspect and after they meet again and again they begin to build a dangerous new friendship that leads to romance, and trouble! 

With murder plots, rivalries, requited love, Drama, fun flash backs to the past, and Alien magic, this Drama is one for the stars! There are ups and downs that really pull you into the story and some great acting skills that tug at your heartstrings. (No pun intended lol)

Now as I was watching this Drama I really REALLY enjoyed the pace of the romance as it intermingles with mystery and danger, it wasn't too pushy with the plot and the character development was perfect! There are tons of flashbacks in almost every drama, but this was the first time I thoroughly enjoyed re watching scenes because they add background plot that ties things together and reveals secrets in a tasteful way that keeps your interest piqued. 
I found that it was also really well balanced in comedy, action, suspense, romance, and dramatic scenarios, you got enough of each in every episode! No over whelming whirlwinds of chaos that you find in (Let's face it....) most high school based dramas. I don't know about you guys, but I usually have to take breaks from those shows to keep me interested in the plot....

Anyways this show was top notch, and with a few minor details that were frustrating, such as overdrawn plot, a few filler episodes that are basically repeats of the previous episode, and a few fizzled out characters/plotlines that don't get a great and well deserved finale, this show was pretty great!

Now for the KISSING CORNER! Does this drama have some well placed romance? You better
believe it! You yearn for more each time, and they keep each scene clean (well acted, not too long, not awkward, and well placed) , romantic, MAGICAL and in the moment!
Image result for kawaii kissing emoticon
With only a slight pause of open eyes, most kisses in this drama are sweet and gentle and full of love!

Your heart will melt each time 100%, there is nothing desperate or urgent in these kisses at all, just 

pure and innocent feelings every time! I loved the kisses in this drama so much! Nothing over done 

about them and with a feeling of playfulness and romance your heart will leap and your eyes will tear up *sigh* 

NOW for the ending of the show, I give it two thumbs up! It was a great way to end the series, I 
would have only changed the ending that involved the main villain, as it had less of a focus on him towards the end, but he had most of the focus for a good chunk of the show I feel he deserved a better fate than a fizzled and sort of slapped on ending. (And the second male lead should have had a resolved ending, you don't really get closure on his story at all.) HOWEVER the ending involving the main characters was realistic, and bitter sweet! It rounded everything out nicely, keeping true to the plot and past dilemmas and it shows just how important your love is when you are true to your heart!

So how well did this Drama do? Let's see!

DRUMROLL PLEASE! bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb TSH!

On the Aish-Drama's scale of Dramatastic shows My Love From another Star wins a................

7.6 on a scale 1-10

Yeah Baby! This show was pretty terrific! It covered all my favorite types of scenes like mystery, action, revenge, justice, and some extremely funny bits mixed into an innocent romance that you just can't help falling in love with! The acting was great and the story was fun!

So hold onto your hats, because they might just fly away as you watch this extra terrestrial and extra amazing KDRAMA!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Miss Granny quick movie Review and opinions!

Miss Granny

Wish you had a chance to go back in time and relive your dreams, or even change mistakes from the past? Well in this cute K.Film an older woman gets that chance!

Oh Mal-soon is a 74 year old woman who lost her husband when she was young and raised her only son alone. Bitter and ready for death, Mal-soon finds a photography shop and goes in to take her funeral picture only to find that the photographer had magical powers and she steps out of the shabby shop fifty years younger! Now she has the opportunity to start again and live the life she always wished she had; But can she let go of the life she let behind?

This movie was cute and hilarious as you see young life from the point of view of the elderly, and as you follow Mal-soon through a new era of young love, styles, slang, and music as well as renewed relationships and family bonds, you'll learn that sometimes life throws you hard times to help you become stronger.
This movie had some adult language so if you are watching with younger audiences be aware of the subtitles, aside from that this movie was light hearted and fun! An enjoyable movie for most ages, and a story line that will give you a new respect for you grandparents =D

Some of the plot did jump around, or had some strange cut scenes, aside from that I feel the plot flowed naturally and was well put together with scenes that will make you laugh, cry, and warm your heart! So if you are in the mood for a loving film about family, friendship, loyalties, and sacrifice then you NEED to watch this movie because it will satisfy all those Drama Kravings for sure!

So where does this K.Film stand on the scale?
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On the Aish-Drama's scale of Dramatastic shows Miss Granny wins a..........

7.3 on a scale of 1-10

such a quirky and light film that will wiggle into your K.Drama loving heart and stay!
So what are you waiting for?! whither it's down time or movie night this K.Film should be a hoot for all! 

Do you agree with my rating? Where would YOU place this movie on a scale of 1-10?
Let me know in the comments and as always, THANKS FOR BEING A PART!

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Cunning Single Lady Review and opinions!

Cunning Single Lady

Image result for cunning single lady

In the mood for a good romance? How about a fresh start at a failed romance?
WELL! Flick on your Netflix or Viki and get comfortable because Cunning single lady is just that type of romance!

When Na Ae-ra meets her true love, her happily ever after doesn't go according to plan. In hopes of marrying a man with an undying desire to provide a happy life and a good job, Na Ae-ra finds herself stuck with Cha Jung-woo a brilliant romantic who quits his job to pursue his dreams, using his skills with computers to develop something amazing! Stressed and embarrassed with having to support her work at home husband, Na Ae-ra files for divorce only to find her Ex three years later as a successful CEO of his own company while she is down on her luck. With wounded pride and heartbreak Ae-ra plots to win back the heart of her rich Ex Husband by infiltrating his company as a diligent intern and leave him penniless; However Jung-woo doesn't give in easily and Ae-ra finds it to be more difficult each day to resist the lingering feelings they both seem to share.

This drama is great! It has all the ingredients needed to make a satisfactory tale of spurned love, misinterpretations, love triangles, and comical run ins with a past life!
I thought the plot moved at a good pace and all the pieces of plot fit pretty well together as the story unfolded, plus the back stories gave just enough information to keep you in the dark long enough until the big reveal of these two star crossed lover's and their history of bad luck.

I also loved the fact that there were some family feuds and resentment going on each side of the divorcees and that it was enough to kick up drama but not too overwhelming or a real main part of the plot, which let's face it, when you have a relentless Ajumma who bribes and swindles all the while grabbing her neck and wailing that she won't stand for it IN EVERY EPISODE.....well.....that does get a little draining for all of us doesn't it?

This K.Drama is mature and is more geared towards adults though it is family friendly =D It's tender, fun, sad, and hilarious! It will make you see both sides of divorce has a right and a wrong and will have you constantly rooting for every character to get their happily ever after!

Now for the KISSING CORNER! all right you hopeless romantics it's time for the smooch count!
Now I was greatly in love with and greatly disappointing with the lack of the kissing scenes in this Drama, I really wish they added a few more romantic scenes because they were STUPENDOUS! There was no dead fish eyes or droopy arms, it was all passionate and straightforward and made me laugh and sigh like a hundred times. It proves that love isn't all about the physical but the emotional and spiritual as well and it made my heart ache for all the characters to get back in touch with a little romance in their lives! So big thumbs up Cunning Single Lady, and well done!

Now that we've covered the goods, let's talk the...umm....not so goods? the bads?
Though this drama was well put together and well balanced in emotions and plot I found that the beginning of this drama was EXTREMELY hard to get into at first, (I fell in love after the second attempt..)  all you see is an unhappy couple who fight with and hurt one another, which let's face it is life...but not what I want to spend almost an hour watching....I HATE CONFRONTATION! (you know...unless it involves justice! And a solid punch that makes the male lead look SO MANLY!) But hateful bickering is not what I come to these dramas for! Also I wasn't impressed with the way the brought in side characters who simply dissapear for episodes on end to come back at important plot points and get you thinking "OH YEAH! where the heck have you been?!"
Plus I wasn't completely satisfied with how they held onto random back stories then squeezed them in at the last moment causing the actual ending to be slightly boring and anticlimactic. You do not get the halleluja chorus, just a soft sweet, Awwwwwww.

So not the greatest at times, but still pretty great! This Drama is no doubt a drama you need to add to your splurge list, and with 16 episodes, (you know, compared to 20) you don't really get sick or tired, once you are hooked it's goodbye finals and hello binge marathon of a fantastic K.Drama!

All righty! So where does this drama land on the rating scale? LET'S FIND OUT!
bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb TSH!!

On the Aish -Drama's scale of Dramatastic shows Cunning Single Lady wins a............

7.4 on a scale of 1-10

Not bad at all people! This K.Drama was really good, and gets your heart racing with hope, love, and a little bit of just desserts! SO grab a friend, maybe a tub of popcorn and snuggle up to a drama that you might just fall in love with!

What do you think of my ratings? What's your favorite K.Drama KNOCKOUT! Let me know in the comments, and as always, THANKS FOR BEING A PART!

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Fated to Love you Review and opinions!

Fated to Love you

Are you ready for the romantic experience of a lifetime? If you are then get ready for a Drama that will change your meaning of fate and love as you are about to dive into a show that will teach you the true meanings of both!

Mi-young, (Jang Na-ra)  an adorable pure and sweet secretary at a law firm who is constantly being overlooked and stepped who yearns for love and tenderness in her life, and when she thinks she's found it bad luck seems to come and snatch it away.
Lee Gun, (Jang Hyuk...sigh so hot!) who is the goofy and romantic CEO of his family company, has found love and wants more than anything to keep it close; But with a twist of fate these two find that sometimes love comes in surprising ways!

After running into each other at the shopping center, these two find each other again accidentally at a five star hotel through some extremely unfortunate series of events.
After resolving the mischief they fall into, Kim Mi-young and Lee Gun believe that they will never see each other again! However, fate steps in and pushes them together with a surprise that neither expected! They are reunited and are forced to live together by their elders and must try to overcome their differences and sacrifice their past life styles. Lee Gun finds it hard to deal with the soft spoken and push over Mi Young, who also finds him awkward and hard to live with; However after some shaken feelings, new and old love interests that resurface, angry resistance and suspicion the two finally learn to live on a more friendly ground and find that as they overcome difficulties together they develop some new feelings for each other!

Though this Drama had some cliche' plot twists, a slightly predictable story line, and some absurdities that can be hard to over come at first, this drama is one of the ultimate K.Dramas out there when it comes to love stories, and stupendous acting! You really warm up to this story, and once you realize you can't live without this drama, you'll be glad you kept with it!
These actors/actresses can really drive things home with amazing and believable emotions and experiences that really pull you in and keep you in!!
Not to mention great comedy, unforgettable characters, family plots, addicting music, love triangles, trials, heartache, and a long road to self discovery.

....AND of course who can forget the highly odd, awkward, and extremely addicting laugh of Lee Gun, because....yeah weird at first but you will be in love with it by the end for sure!
I have days where I will randomly laugh like him and then have a K.Drama Kraving for a little FTLY hahahahaha......HUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUAAAAA! haha...couldn't help myself!


AHEM! Anyways.....

I could watch this Drama again and again and still find myself laughing out loud, crying like a baby, and mumbling angrily when something doesn't go my way! This is a romantic drama that you should be putting on your must watch list right now!

Alright ladies and germs, for all you romantics out there it's that time again!

NOW for the KISSING CORNER! First off I have to say....awwww yeah! Because there are some wonderful kissing scenes (And shirtless scenes!) that will give you a gushing nose bleed! With one or two awkward kisses, this has some of THE most romantic and heartfelt kissing scenes yet! You can feel the desperate passion in each scene and though there are some more lustful parts (Which are PG rated and non raunchy but tasteful, comical and cute) most of the love scenes in this drama will make your heart pound and your eyes tear up!

I know you're probably wondering what kind of ratings this show might receive? Seeing as I wasn't impressed with a portion of the plot, but found the acting to be pretty great, it could be either side here. Well why don't we consult the scale?!


bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb TSH!

On the Aish-Drama's scale of Dramatastic shows, Fated to Love you wins a............

9.2 on a scale of 1-10

That's right! I LOVED this drama! I found it sweet and satisfying, with a great ending that really says Happily Ever After, and no loose ends that will drive you crazy wondering what happened to so and so. It really was enjoyable to watch and a perfect mix of romance, comedy, and drama...I couldn't watch it fast enough!

So what are you waiting for? Grab a few bags of Ramen to share with some friends or loved ones, get comfortable, and snuggle up with one of the cutest love stories ever!!

What do you think of my rating? What's YOUR favorite love story? Let me know in the comments, and as always, THANKS FOR BEING A PART!

Beating Again (Falling for Innocence) Review and opinions!

Beating Again (Falling for Innocence)

Who says business is all work and no play? Whoever if was forgot to tell the characters to this quirky K.Drama Beating Again! Where emotions and stakes are high as two business men fight for their futures and for their love!

Kang Min-ho is a ruthless business man with all the charms of a sociopath and a nickname "the serial killer" to match his temper and wicked ways. He gets his kicks from breaking down companies, ruining reputations, ripping jobs away from honest hard workers and making millions through any means necessary. Now he has his uncle's company in his sights and a lust for revenge he will stop at nothing until his uncle pays for the crimes he committed against Min-ho's father, but with a weak heart and only one month to live, Min-ho has a hard time seeing things to the end until a streak of luck hits and he is granted an emergency transplant that saves his life! However this new heart seems to have a life all it's own causing Min-ho the uncomfortable new sensation of strong emotions and a long going attraction to his secretary.

With new found feelings of guilt and jealousy his goals seem to be fading away and being replaced with a different purpose for life. Will Min-ho let his new heart dictate his actions or will he get his revenge? With new rivalries, revenge, love, and redemption this K.Drama will catch your eye and your heart!

Now as I was watching this Drama I really felt connected to the characters, the actors did a fantastic job with revealing emotions and secrets in a way that made you really get to know the points of views of each character which I just couldn't get enough of! However with a misleading beginning, redundant episodes, and terrible translations I did find this particular drama to be hard to follow and a little frustrating with pieces of plot I'd basically already seen an episode previous. So what makes this drama good? Well in my opinion it would be the growth of the characters, the tender love scenes that are natural and full of emotion, and the great plots for revenge and justice through out the show! It really keeps you guessing, and every once in a while you'll find yourself jumping up and down saying, "HOLY CRAP I DID NOT SEE THAT COMING!" The reveals are amazing! Though somewhat random you will find it hard to end things at the cliff hanger and will be convincing yourself that one more episode can't hurt haha! The plot twists were enjoyable and the drama was irresistible in this show, so if you haven't seen this you'd better write it down because it's a great story with a reasonable amount of episodes that end with satisfaction!
(though slightly drawn out and predictable)

Now for the Kissing corner of this Drama I am pleased to tell you that there is ONE and only ONE awkward, open eyed kiss scene! Which in my opinion wasn't too bad at all. There was some good kissing going on, most of them innocent and sweet, with one or two more passionate moments that will stop your heart! On the other hand this drama was more about the courtship than actual love scenes so the kissing did stay at a minimum as the characters were more focused on the future of the companies. So for the romance parts I found it tender, passionate, and low key which actually fit the high paced drama and action of the show, a perfect balance!

So how did this show do? Let's find out together shall we?
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On Aish-Drama's scale of Dramatastic shows Beating again (Falling for innocence) wins a.............

6.8 on a scale of 1-10

There you have it! A good Drama for all, so if you agree or disagree with these ratings please leave a comment below! Also if you have a favorite revenge K.Drama please let me know!

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Coffee Prince Review and opinions!

Coffee Prince

Tired of shows where the nasty, rude, female/male leads get the guy/girl just because they're "hot", well dressed, popular, or slightly spunky and refreshing compared to other characters in typical romances?

I'm talking to you, Grey's Anatomy, New Girl, Two and a Half Men, Scrubs, Glee and countless others!

Well this show is about to give you sweet justice, as an unlikely romance gradually blooms that proves that it is what's inside that counts!

Go Eun-chan is an ambitious, highly energetic tomboy who, after her father's death has become the bread winner in her family and will do anything to support her mother and little sister's high maintenance lifestyle, including pretending to be a boy to get work.
After an accident while making late night deliveries, Eun-chan is mistaken for a mugger by the handsome playboy Choi Han-kyul and one of his childhood friends Han Yoo-joo, and
breaks her scooter in efforts to reclaim the stolen goods which causes her to loose her job. Torn between pride, and money to fix her scooter and support her family, Eun-chan demands she gets compensated for the rescue of Han Yoo-joo's purse. Han-kyul offers her a job, believing Eun-chan to be a boy he hires her to chase away his unwanted blind dates. Eun-chan must prove that she is a hardworking boy as Han-kyul inherits a coffee shop from his grandmother and CEO to his family business and plans on opening an all boy staffed shop to attract young women.
After working together and becoming good friends, and still believing Eun-chan to be a boy,
Han-kyul develops confusing feelings for his goofy co-worker, and struggles with sexuality and identity.

This show was filled with love triangles, heart warming friendship moments, scandals, and proof that when you have love, nothing else matters. Along with the main plot you follow a group of trouble making young boys as they try to rebuild an old coffee shop, make lasting relationships, and overcome hurtles in their lives! This Drama had a good even amount of main character plot and side character plot, and it really balances out really well as you get lots of different story lines and plenty of drama to keep you going and going wondering who will end up with who and what will become of the character's goals and dreams! Definitely keeps you on your toes as you follow the suspenseful lives of these hard working princes, and neighborhood sweeties.

Now it was hard to really find something that was super frustrating, aside from a bland first episode and a few strange moments, this show had little to complain about! I did have issues with some of the progress of the actual shop, some filler episode moments and some really weird character development that is rewound and taken back. However this show really makes up for it with a strong plot, strong characters, and strong relationships that will make you ponder your place in the universe (lol)

NOW in the kissing corner let us discuss how the romantic scenes played out! This drama is more geared towards young adults so I found some of the kissing scenes to be comfortable and mature, there were some really heated kissing, and of course some extremely satisfying kissing that will fog up your computer/TV/iPhone screen! With only a tiny amount of the open eyed smooch, the kissing in this drama was romantic and toe curling and just GREAT! so two thumbs up for you out there, (you know who you are) that are counting episodes until you get to see your favorite characters finally get some from their heart throbs and jump head first into a dreamlike state of infatuation =D sigh!

So are you ready for a will they won't they roller coaster of love and heart break?! Then buckle up and prepare yourselves for a super fantastic show that you won't soon forget.
I really wish I had more to say aside from WATCH THIS DRAMA!!!! but that about sums up my feelings for Coffee Prince! So let's start up that DRUMROLL! So you can get to watching this show!

bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb TSH!

On the Aish-Drama's scale of Dramatastic shows Coffee Prince wins a...........

8.9 on a scale from 1-10

And that's a wrap! This show is honestly one of my favorite Drama's and deserves all the hype it can get, as it's so SO amazing! So snuggle up with a cup of Cocoa, Coffee, or Tea and prepare your mind to explode from pure awesomeness!

What's your favorite Drama? Do you agree with my ratings? Please let me know in the comments!
And as always, THANKS FOR BEING A PART!!