Thursday, February 11, 2016

Secret Garden Review and opinions!

Secret Garden 

Looking for a story with colorful side characters, jealousies, bribes, intense drama, silly washed up pop stars, family tragedies, family feuds, voodoo witch magic, the classic battle of the sexes, entertaining friendships, and a budding romance that is doomed to fail??


Secret Garden has all of these things and more!

When rich and image obsessed business man Kim Joo-won, tries to help his washed up pop idol cousin avoid a terrible scandal he has an accidental run in with Gil Ra-im, a hard working, rough and tumble stunt woman (who is his cousin's number one fan) and becomes smitten with her straight forward attitude and tomboyish charms.
While following Gil Rim around and trying to figure out why he can't get a poor girl with a common lifestyle and dangerous job out of his head, he tries to convince himself that she is beneath him and therefore not worthy of his love but is only drawn further in as Gil Ra-im is constantly resisting his moves and pushing him away. When all seems to be turning towards the worst, a magical spell forces the two to see life from a different perspective and work together in difficult situation to reverse the spell and set their lives back to normal, but as they work together they begin to form a bond stronger than ever!

This adorable romantic comedy is the best of the best and will raise the bar for the rest of the K.Dramas that you will ever watch, NO KIDDING! It was a charming and sweet story where true love conquers all and proof that with a whole lot of hard work and a little bit of magic, all of your dreams can come true~

Now I found that this drama was painfully slow moving in the beginning and took a while to get to the huge plot twist that really gets the show moving, a little bit of forced romance and some repetitive scenes and scenarios that made me almost give up on this drama, but I was so glad I kept with it because once it gets past the slower bits it really picks up around episode 5-6 and the rest of the series is a nonstop ride of heartbreaking, knee slapping, emotional moments that will make you wonder why you haven't heard of this Drama sooner! So if you are as impatient as I am, don't stress, just stick with it and I promise your life will change for the better =D

OKAY OKAY now is the moment all you romantics have been waiting for! It's the Kissing Corner!
How was the kissing in this series? I'll tell you! It's FANTASTIC! Though there is a small amount of the classic open eye smooching, 95% of the kissing in this series is romantic, surprising, and steamy! It will definitely get your heart racing and will make you squeeze your pillow and giggle like a little school girl! With multiple romances blooming all around the main characters between the wonderful group of friends and co-workers, you get your fill of adorable and Squeeemazing love scenes!



*cough cough* AHEM.....Anyways! ( a little caught up in the kissing there )

Now the ending of this series is something that truly makes this Drama great, it rounds out smoothly without unrealistically shoving things to a conclusion. Plus it has some amazing character development, you see so much growth in the characters you really come to love! With some pretty great outcomes and satisfying conclusions you will not be left wanting.

This is the perfect K.Drama for Valentine's Day, it will warm your heart and bring you and your family, friends, or significant other closer together as you witness the struggles of love.

So where does this Drama place on the scale? Let's find out! DRUMROLL PLEASE!!
bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb TSH!

On the Aish-Drama's scale of Dramatastic shows Secret Garden wins a.....

8.4 on a scale of 1-10

WOWZERS! What an amazing show! I really loved this drama and it blew my mind how amazing it t turned out, and if you are looking for something to make you fall in love and become completely twitterpated, then this is the NEXT show you should find and watch immediately!

What are your favorite K.Drama kissing scenes? Let me know in the comments, and as always

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